Different Types of Mattresses and Their Advantages

Mattress- The bed that mankind has been designing for as old as 77,000 years. Man has always needed a place to sleep and has ever thought of his comfort while creating a mattress or a place to lie down upon.
It is a large cushion pad that is placed on top of the wooden bed surface.
Over the years, the face of the mattress has changed considerably. It has gone from the rustic reef, and coir, to super comfortable, cotton, foam and spring, waterbed.

When you buy mattress online, your first and foremost thought is the comfort it may provide. Abed doesn't provide comfort; it is the mattresses that do. It provides comfort and support to your neck while sleeping or laying down.
Mattresses affect your sleep pattern; it is an important element in providing a sound sleep thereby reducing stress levels, helping those who get back or joint pains, provides that comfort and relaxation that you need after a long day.

Mattresses are generally judged on the basis of-
●  Coil count - the primary support in any mattress
●  Firmness- it’s a subjective decision on the basis of individual preferences.
●  Bounce or no bounce is also known as motion transfer
●  Lifespan

At Wooden Street, there are two types of mattresses to provide the soul to your bed body.

❖ Ultra Comfort Mattress-

Designed to provide a sleep that makes you feel the comfort of having slept like a baby. It’s also designed to protect your health by minimising allergies, as it has an allergy repellent cover.

 This mattress is made of three layers. The first layer of the mattress is of high-quality memory foam, which not only provides your body with adequate support; it is also extremely comfortable to sleep upon.
The second layer or the transition layer has been designed, keeping in mind the alignment of your spine to ensure flexibility and agility to it, while ensuring a perfect posture.
The third of the topmost layer is made of a cool foam layer which has an open-cell structure, which gives passage to airflow, reducing the heat in the mattress and allowing it to remain cool throughout the day.
The breathable cover is a 100% cotton cloth that acts as a hypoallergen that prevent and saves you from allergies.

The advantages of this mattress are-
●   It is temperature sensitive- the passage of airflow helps reduce the heat in the mattress.
●  This reduces painful pressure points from your mattresses.
●  It helps support your body’s actual alignment.
●  The low-VOC hypo-allergic memory foam has health advantages.
●   Motion isolation or that it absorbs all kind of motion to help the other person sleep better.
●  They last really long.

❖ Orthopaedic Mattress

Mattresses that are designed to be firm enough to support your back, joints, and muscles are called orthopedic mattress.
It is made of 5 layers.

Like a foam mattress, the first layer is the premium quality foam.
The second layer of the transition layer, which is a change from the core comfort first layer. This provides alignment to the back.
The third layer is the memory technology layer, which provides the actual stress relief by forming a shape as per your body shape.
The fourth layer and the fifth layer is similar to the ultra-comfortable mattress.

The advantages of this mattress are that-
●   It conforms to your body structure by supporting all the pressure points. This helps relieve any stress.
●  It helps promote a better structure of the spine.

 Go ahead at woodenstreet.com and get yourself a mattress that is going to give you all the comfort that you need, while maintaining the structure of your spine.


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