Amazing Tips To Choose The Perfect Sofa Cum Bed

Comfort and convenience – They both are provided by sofa cum beds or sleeper sofas. They are available in many styles like traditional ones, pop-ups, standard fold-outs and many; there is a large collection to choose from. Shopping for a sofa cum bed is more than picking up a look you like because there are several types of mattresses and other configurations of them. Here are some tips to choose them wisely:

Futons: They are the most basic type of sleeper sofas. It has a wood or metal frame with a single mattress on top. When it comes to folding it up, the mattress creates both the back and seat of the sofa. They are pretty comfortable with a bed; a futon can leave something that too is desired as a sofa, cause it has a firm and unforgiving seat.

Daybeds:  A daybed is a single but the twin mattress that sits in a frame to give it the sofa look. Since the frame has no cushions like the standard sofa, but this style is the best for a room that is not going to be used on a daily basis.

Standard Fold-outs:  This style basically comes to mind when you think of a sofa cum bed. Its mattresses are supported by a thick, canvas-like fabric that is secured by springs at the sides. Fold-out mattresses come in few different choices like innerspring, foam or innerspring with an air topper, that seems to be the winner for comfort. These sleepers need more space cause you need to unfold the mattresses. They come in wide variety of styles. Quality and comfort may vary widely depending on the manufacturer, so if it is the daily use sofa, then purchase the best you can afford. They have lack of supporting springs, so they do feel little different from others when you sit on them.

Pull-out Pop-ups:  This style works like trundle; its bottom mattress pulls out from under the sofa. You can easily use it as two twin beds or pop-up the lower mattress to make a larger bed. You don't require as much space to pull out the bed, cause you are in the parallel to the back of the sofa.
Since it is a real mattress, the pull-out style provides a comfortable sleeping surface to you. It is also as comfortable as the sofa as you like a more firm seating, you are sitting on one of the most comfortable mattresses. They can also be used like family-size chaise lounge.

Other things to consider:  Comfort and style are two more important things while buying. But there are other things too that should be considered like, how frequently it will be used for sleeping, how it will be used, and what size room it will be in.

How much sleeping will it get?  If the sofa would not be used for a long time as a bed, then a standard fold-out sleeper should be fine. For regularly used sleepers, consider a pull-out and pop-up or air-topped fold-out mattress.

How big is the room?:  Now you don't have to move lots of furniture pieces around whenever you want to convert the sofa into a bed. Fold-out sleepers take most of the space when converted into a bed. You should go for a pull-out pop-up bed if you have a tight fit.

Sofa cum beds are the great solutions when you don't have a designated guest room. There are some sacrifices on sleeping comfort and sofa structures; you have to keep your priorities in mind during purchase. You can get the best piece. You can visit Wooden Street, for so many stylish and elegant option of sofa cum beds. 


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